Other courses available


Microsoft Access

Microsoft Access is an information management tool that helps you store information for reference, reporting, and analysis.  Microsoft Access helps you analyse large amounts of information, and manage related data more efficiently than Microsoft Excel or other spreadsheet applications.

Access Course

This course is designed to provide attendees with an understanding of database design. It will benefit anyone new to databases wishing to learn how to design tables, forms, queries and reports.


Attendees do not need any previous experience of Access but must have a basic understanding of PC’s, including familiarity with a keyboard and mouse.

What you will learn:

  • Database Introduction
  • Table Design
  • Table Relationships
  • Working with Tables
  • Performing Select Queries
  • Form Design
  • Reports
Access Stage 1 PDF
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Microsoft Project

Microsoft Project is a project management software program that is designed to assist a project manager in developing a plan, assigning resources to tasks, tracking progress, managing the budget, and analysing workloads

Contact Moira to find out more:

Available Business Courses


Time Management with Outlook

This course is designed for existing users of Outlook, who feel they need to implement time management principles within the package to use it as an effective tool.
Are too many emails messages, urgent deadlines, and stressful meetings driving you mad? Is time running out on you? Do you sometimes feel like you don’t get anything important done at the end of the day, because all the urgent, small ‘stuff’ kept you so busy you didn’t even start the things that really matter in the long run?

Course Details

This course will help you focus and prioritise and to use Outlook in a productive way.  You’ll learn a proven time management system tweaked for use with Outlook. Through the use of Priorities, Categories and Tasks, it will help you to focus on what matters most and gain more time for important things while only requiring you to invest a littler time each day for planning.


This course is for those who are familiar with using an email package, but who want to use Outlook as an effective tool to help manage their time.

What you will learn:

  • Managing multiple emails
  • Working effectively with tasks, using well known time management principles
  • Contacts – how to build and use them easily
  • Use of categories
  • Effective daily and weekly planning
  • Appointment and meetings made simple
  • How to truly benefit from this course
Outlook TM PDF
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Available Apple Product Courses


iPad Training

Get the most out of your iPad. In this course you will learn how to set up your home screen, browsing the web emailing, managing your time, getting around town, taking notes, taking and organising photos, downloading and listening to music. Learn how to install any one of the thousands of apps from the App Store. The course also includes how to accurately type and efficiently use finger gestures, and includes tips for setting up iPad so it behaves as expected.

iPad - Introduction

This course is designed for those delegates who wish to acquire the skills to use their iPads effectively. It would benefit anyone puzzled by the multi-functionality of their iPads and the use of basic features.


Attendees do not need any previous experience of use of an iPad.  Familiarity with a keyboard would be an advantage.

What you will learn:

  • Home screen and basic use of apps
  • Customising your iPad
  • Entering and editing text
  • Safari to search the web
  • Downloading apps
  • Emails
  • Basic use of your camera and sending photographs
iPad Stage 1 PDF

iPad - Further Features

This course is designed for those delegates who are acquainted with their iPad and can use the basic features of it. It will enable them to multi-task effectively and use the device as an essential tool.


Attendees will need to be proficient with the basic functions of their iPad and be able to type.

What you will learn:

  • Basics and customisation
  • Safari further features
  • Emails and attachments
  • Further usage of camera and editing of photographs
  • Saving your photographs in albums for later use
  • Further features
iPad Stage 2 PDF

Take a Quick Self Assessment

Our Quick Self-Assessment questionnaire gives delegates an idea of the skill level they are currently working at.  This helps delegates decide on the correct course for them.

    In Microsoft Word can you:

    Indent ParagraphsUtilise TabsMailmerge

    In Microsoft Excel can you:

    Absolute CellsUtilise FormulaeLinking across the sheets

    In Microsoft PowerPoint can you:

    Master SlidesAnimation

    In Microsoft Outlook can you:

    Utilise TasksUtilise Categories

    Your Name (required):

    Your Email (required):

    Take the Full Assessment

    Should you wish to take a more detailed analysis of your skills, download our sample detailed Excel skills assessment and send it back to us so that we can tailor a bespoke training programme to meet your specific needs.

    We have similar assessments in all disciplines.  Please contact us to take further assessments.

    Download the Example Excel Assessment
    Excel Assessment
    Or just get in touch
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